Book: Bhagavad Gita Concordance

Bhagavad Gita, Featured, Featured News

Dr. Graham Schweig’s new book, Bhagavad Gītā Concordance: A Comprehensive Word Reference with English and Sanskrit Indexes is a masterpiece by one of the leading modern-day scholars of the Gita. Not only does Dr. Schweig present the first comprehensive and accessible concordance of the Bhagavad Gītā, the concordance lists every word of the original, noting all its locations and instances within the text, along with related words. It is accompanied by various supportive references, including Sanskrit and English indexes. The concordance can be linked with any translation, giving readers in-depth access to the Sanskrit text.

This book is designed for those with little or no knowledge of Sanskrit as well as those familiar with the original text. It allows readers to gain a greater reach into the Bhagavad Gītā and achieve a deeper understanding of its ideas, facilitating nuanced analyses of the text and its language. It is an essential reference for scholars, teachers, students, and other readers interested in India’s spiritual classics.

For a limited time, Columbia University Press is offering a 20% discount when ordering here.

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