The Yoga Alliance Foundation Emergency Relief Fund provides financial support to those within the Yoga community who are experiencing extreme economic hardship due to COVID-19. The Fund is a global resource available to Yoga professionals worldwide. To initiate this fund, the Foundation redirected funds originally earmarked for an inaugural grants program scheduled to launch in early 2020. Due to the sudden disruptive economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic, 100% of these funds will now go directly to Yoga professionals who can no longer meet basic income needs. Apply here.
Healing, Karma, and Divine Grace: The Power of Prayer and Surrender
If you get divinely and miraculously healed, is this part of your karma? Yes. Miraculously you are healed. Maybe you deserved it. God helped you to heal. You have done some good karma to receive that kind of healing energy. But if you haven't healed and if you want to...