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10 Years ago: Global Garland Interfaith Kirtan for World Peace

It was ten years ago, Saturday, June 7, 2014, to be precise that the "Global Garland Interfaith Kirtan for World Peace Celebrating the Centennial Birth Year of Sri Swami Satchidananda" was held at the magnificent Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City....

The Swami & The Rabbi: Jewish Mysticism Meets Integral Yoga

Hosted by the Integral Yoga Ministry and inspired by the annual "Swami & Rabbi" programs with Swami Satchidananda and Rabbi Joseph Gelberman, now Swami Ramananda, a senior monastic student of Swami Satchidananda, and Rabbi David Igber, a senior student of Reb...

Christian Mysticism Meets Integral Yoga

Everyone seeks happiness, but happiness seems never to be stable. Something always happens to disturb our happiness. Religions were born to show a path to happiness that never dies. The mystical aspect of most faiths are particularly focused on this quest. Integral...

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BOOK: The Be-Attitudes

BOOK: The Be-Attitudes

New from Integral Yoga Publications: The Be-Attitudes   In this new book, Swami Satchidananda unpacks each of the Beatitudes from the "Sermon on the Mount" from a yogic perspective. With a foreword by Br. David Steindl-Rast, OSB, this new addition to the "Peter Max...

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Sleep as a Spiritual Practice

Sleep as a Spiritual Practice

There are many stories in the Zen tradition that offer a perspective on sleep, such as the enlightenment of Ananda, where he stayed awake for several days on end trying to attain Great Liberation. He finally decides to give up on attaining enlightenment and get some...

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When Yoga Meets Zen Meditation

When Yoga Meets Zen Meditation

Many of us come to meditation for the first time to still our mind. We recognize that the source of suffering has something to do with the way our minds work (or don’t work) and we believe that by sitting still and taming our mind we will become calm and peaceful. One...

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Do You Want to Become Whole?

Do You Want to Become Whole?

In this essay, Br. David Steindl-Rast, OSB, reflects on how we make ourselves whole by making each other whole. He explores the classic teaching story “Ten Oxherding Pictures” from the Zen Buddhist tradition. Wholeness has intrigued me ever since we boys built...

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Swami and Artist

Swami and Artist

In this video, Avi Gordon (director of the Integral Yoga Teachers Association) interviews Swami Jyotirmayananda, who was initiated as a sannyasin (monastic) in 1986. She has served at Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville in various capacities, including designing and...

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Truth is One, Paths are Many: Interfaith Music!

Truth is One, Paths are Many: Interfaith Music!

In honor of Guru Poornima, the interfaith music that has been a part of the Light Of Truth Universal Service is now available for all to utilize during services you organize in your local areas. Also, many new interfaith tools and resources have been added to the...

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We Are All Expressions of the One

We Are All Expressions of the One

My philosophy is to be relaxed always, under all circumstances. You don’t need to prepare yourself to achieve something. Just be as you are and then if anything inspires you, go ahead and take action. The purpose behind all the different spiritual teachings is simply...

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Divine Union in Kabbalah and Classical Tantra Yoga

Divine Union in Kabbalah and Classical Tantra Yoga

I was at an auto body shop in West Los Angeles waiting for my car, sharing the waiting area with an elderly woman who was reading Tikkun magazine. She put the magazine on a desk and I asked if I could read it while I was waiting. She said yes. I sifted through the...

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