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Life’s Pendulum: Balance Amid Change

When you watch the thoughts passing through your mind by being the witness rather than getting caught up in them, is this the same as what is meant by the expression, “Offering it up to God?” Yes, you can look at it in this way. One approach is what we can call the...

Walking with Faith

"When we walk with faith we're never alone. We trust there's a Higher Power always with us." In this satsang talk, presented by Integral Yoga TV, Swami Karunananda, senior monk and teacher trainer, speaks on the subject of faith. She also shares amazing stories from...

VedantaWorks: The Teachings of Swami Vivekananda

VedantaWorks recently released their third podcast series: The Raja Yoga classes of Swami Vivekananda. VedantaWorks is dedicated to the teachings of Vedanta, the basic philosophy of Hinduism as expressed through Swami Vivekananda. Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902) was an...

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Be Love Now

Be Love Now

On a beautiful and sunny late morning in Hawaii and a sunny (though perhaps less balmy) late afternoon in Virginia, Integral Yoga Magazine editor Rev. Prem Anjali had the opportunity to interview Ram Dass via Skype. Ram Dass’ latest book, Be Love Now, is the third in...

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The Alchemy of Discipleship

Like a single warrior facing a king’s army, the spiritual seeker tries to subdue the army—one’s own ego. Armed with only a monkey mind, unrestrained sense organs, and a body subjected to nature's control of the physical body, the spiritual warrior is left virtually...

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What Do You Believe?

What Do You Believe?

Question: I was raised as an atheist. Life would be so much easier if I had faith. In all my years of Yoga, I know I have heart, compassion and spirit, but I can’t connect with faith. Please offer me your guidance. Swami Satchidananda: Whether you know it or not, you...

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The Benefits of Lineage

The Benefits of Lineage

Swami Satchidananda often explained that the easiest way to learn to master something is to train with an expert in one’s chosen field. All fields of training and learning come down to a succession of those who master the material—whether its mechanics, doctors,...

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The Essence of the Bhakti Yoga Path

The Essence of the Bhakti Yoga Path

Thayumanuvar, a great South Indian saintly poet, was also the prime minister to a king. He was once asked, if a married or unmarried life was better. He answered in the following way. If you realize that you are nothing but a top, spun around and somebody’s playing...

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Bhakti Yoga: The Path of Love & Devotion

Bhakti Yoga: The Path of Love & Devotion

The word “bhakti” means devotion. Bhaktas are devotees whose goal is to attach themselves completely to God, or the Beloved. Our entire nature is based on such love. We are attached to so many things. From early childhood, we learn to cling to someone or...

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Attuning to Grace

Attuning to Grace

I once visited a home where there was a young baby. I was talking to the family and the mother was busy somewhere in the kitchen. The baby was playing with its toys. After a while, the baby cried a little and started putting things in its mouth, thinking that by...

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