Yoga Therapy

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“The Centered Heart” – Ancient Wisdom + Modern Science

In The Centered Heart, Susi Amendola, C-IAYT, 500-ERYT, Yoga therapist, stress management expert and senior trainer for Ornish Lifestyle Medicine, navigates the intricate relationship between stress management and overall health. She invites readers into...

Yoga to Support Immunity

Melanie Salvatore-August’s new book, Yoga to Support Immunity, is a clear, step-by-step whole-being Yoga at home program to help boost immune function and bring vitality to the mind and spirit. She includes in-depth instructions for specific Yoga poses and teaches you...

How Yoga Empowers Women to Take Control of Their Bladder Health

It’s been proven time and again that Yoga practice can have incredible effects on all aspects of your being. Stretching your physical body and giving space to your heart and mind to let go of the negativity first come to mind, but Yoga goes deeper than that. More than...
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The Role Yoga Plays in Integrative and Holistic Health

The Role Yoga Plays in Integrative and Holistic Health

Yoga is so much more than physical exercise. It’s a lifestyle discipline that embraces and strengthens the connection between the mind, body, and spirit. The science of Yoga originated in ancient India with the intention of connecting emotional tranquility, mental...

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When Yoga Meets Ayurveda

When Yoga Meets Ayurveda

Both Ayurveda and Yoga accept the principles of Samkhya philosophy. While there are many foundational principles, for our purposes, let’s look at a few. Sadkaryavad is the first, the principle of cause and effect. For everything that exists in the universe, there is a...

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Self-Care: The Key to Selfless Service

Self-Care: The Key to Selfless Service

As a lifelong caregiver who has devotedly served her patients and community, Susan Turnage, RN, CYN, RYT 500, knows about burnout. Susan suffered from stress and fatigue before finding Yoga and experiencing the benefits that regular practice brought her. Inspired to...

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The Intersection of Medicine and Spirituality

The Intersection of Medicine and Spirituality

In this video, Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. Dean Ornish, two longtime friends and medical doctors—who are also spiritual practitioners/teachers—discuss the intersection of medicine, Yoga, meditation, love and spirituality. They also explain how meditation and lifestyle...

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What is Yoga Therapy Really All About?

What is Yoga Therapy Really All About?

Dr. Steffany Moonaz, PhD, C-IAYT, is the founder of Yoga for Arthritis and the author of Yoga Therapy for Arthritis. She is a faculty member of the Integral Yoga Therapy Certification program (IAYT-certified), which offers a special path to a career in Yoga Therapy....

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How An 81-Year-Old Got Her Groove Back

How An 81-Year-Old Got Her Groove Back

I met Yoga therapist, Dr. Lakshmi Sutter (program director of the Integral Yoga Therapy program) by chance in September of 2015. I had been unable to participate in Yoga classes for more than a year. Total knee replacement and surgeries for hammertoes and pelvic floor...

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Brain Science and Yoga

Brain Science and Yoga

Dr. M. Mala Cunningham shares, in this video, some powerful ways in which Yoga and meditation can be understood through the lens of neuroscience. She provides clarity and insight in navigating the yogic path through understanding psychology, mindfulness, meditation,...

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Yoga for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Yoga for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Dr. Bessel van der Kolk is considered one of  the world’s leading authorities on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). He has pioneered the use of Yoga as a therapy that is helping these individuals to work through their PTSD and regain a sense of mastery. In this...

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