“Truth is One, Paths are Many” Interfaith Chant

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This inspiring video is offered on Guru Poornima, a yearly observance that traditionally honors one’s Guru, or spiritual preceptor. Many decades ago, Swami Satchidananda (the world-renowned and beloved Yoga master, founder of Integral Yoga Global, and interfaith pioneer) inspired the expansion of the Guru Poornima observance in Integral Yoga centers/Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville, to include honoring the preceptors of all the world faiths and wisdom traditions. This video is lovingly offered in this spirit.

Interfaith chant and imagery produced by Shanti Das. Interfaith adaptation of traditional chant by Casey Devi Dugan. Vocals and instrumentals by the Shanti Sisters: Shanti Das, Casey Devi Dugan, Shree Das, Saraswati Rosenberg. Mastered by Gopal Metro. Scriptural quotations provided by the Light Of Truth Universal Shrine. Mantras courtesy of Integral Yoga Kirtan and Casey Devi Dugan. Integral Yoga All Faiths Yantra courtesy of Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville, Inc.






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