We should all remember that a main aim of Yoga practice is self-mastery. When we follow the Yoga precepts and practices this leads to more self-mastery—the body and mind become more relaxed and sattvic so we can more easily recognize and abide in our True Nature....
The Benefits of a Yogic Lifestyle
The idea of Cosmic Consciousness is spoken of in both scriptures and in scientific journals. If we only quote the scriptures some may not accept this idea of a universal, all-pervading Consciousness. If we quote a scientist, all are ready to accept it! Modern science...
The Real Enjoyment
Spirituality means feeling the Spirit, knowing the real you. If you want to feel the Spirit, you have to put your focus there, more than on the body and senses. The foods we eat won’t help us to experience our essential nature. Thinking often about what to eat, where...
Yoga for Wellness
There is a beautiful biblical saying: “Seek the kingdom of God first and all the rest will be added unto you.” Whether you want it or not, it will come. Health, wealth, friends, money and fame will just come to you. They are the by-products of the most important...
Yoga is Not Limited to Postures and Breathing
People often ask me to explain Integral Yoga. I tell them that if you keep certain things in mind, whatever you do becomes a yogic action. Even your eating and sleeping can be a Yoga practice if you do them in a way that creates health and harmony. Chew your food...
Yoga is Self-Realization
In the Yoga Sutras, we learn that the practice of Yoga is aimed at addressing the fluctuations or disturbances in the mind (chitta vritti) so we may experience our natural state of peace and joy. Some misunderstand this and think "Yoga chitta vritti" means Yoga is the...
Finding Our Steadiness
It seems that life has taken us all to a surreal place. Initially, when changes happen in our lives, it takes a little time to adjust. Some become fearful, stressed and panicked, others want to help as much as they can. Time and understanding will help us adjust. In...
Seven Spiritual Practices to Reduce Seasonal Affective Disorder
Summer in the Northern Hemisphere is over, which means the days will soon get darker and our energy will start to plummet. The thing is, it doesn’t necessarily have to go that way yet again this winter. We may be able to salvage some of that summer feeling through...