Introduction to The Essential Teachings of Swami Satchidananda

In this short, self-directed, free online course, “Introduction to The Essential Teachings of Swami Satchidananda,” you will be able to watch Swami Satchidananda sharing some of his core teachings in his fun, loving, and inspirational manner. He also...

The Secret of Spiritual Practice

The secret of spiritual practice is not what you do but how you do—that is more important. Sometimes a newcomer who gets into spiritual practice will make a big list of resolutions, “I will practice half an hour every day in the morning, pranayama, three malas every...

The Glory of Santosha – Contentment

“Contentment is golden. A contented mind is a golden mind.”  –Swami Satchidananda It’s funny how children enjoy the simplest of toys and teenagers relish in their relationships with their best friends, while a quiet transition commences during adulthood and suddenly...

Spiritual Longing

To learn from a spiritual teacher, more than anything else, you need faith in God: “God, I really want to experience the Truth. Put me in good hands. Present a good teacher to me.“ Then, when you meet them, feel—not through the head, but through the heart. And if you...