Yoga blesses you with a more intimate understanding of your body and how it works in conjunction with your mind to create this experience called life. However, life is much more than your individual experience. Through practice, you can remind yourself of your...
Yoga Takes Care of Body and Mind
In the name of Yoga our goal is to keep the mind peaceful and food not only plays an important part in the health of the body, but it plays a very important part in the condition of the mind. So, you have to be very careful about what you are eating. To understand...
The Yoga M.D.
Dr. Sandra Amrita McLanahan is a holistic and Yoga medical doctor with a family practice in Yogaville. She is a pioneer in the field of integrative and lifestyle medicine, having founded America’s first holistic health center in Connecticut in 1976. Personal physician...
Understanding Yogic Concepts of Health and Disease
Introduction Yoga is a spiritual science for the integrated and holistic development of our physical, mental and moral-spiritual aspects of being. The philosophy of Yoga is practical and applicable in our day-to-day living. Yoga has been documented to normalise...
What Yoga Has to Say About Health
Yoga is the original mind-body medicine that has enabled individuals to attain and maintain sukha sthanam, a dynamic sense of physical, mental and spiritual well-being. The Bhagavad Gita defines Yoga as samatvam, meaning thereby that Yoga is equanimity at all levels,...
Health and Immunity
It is not just one thing that creates disease. And it is not one thing that can heal us. It takes a holistic approach. Nature has tremendous regenerative and restorative energy. Many of you may know that if a lizard loses its tail, another tail will grow. If it...