Ahimsa is a Sanskrit word that translates as “without injury” or “nonviolence” in English. It’s a principle in Hindu, Buddhist, and Jainist philosophy that involves causing the least amount of harm possible to all beings. It’s the first ethical principle given as a...
The Interconnectedness of Yoga and Plant-Based Diets
If you immerse yourself in your Yoga practice, you’ll undoubtedly notice many of your fellow yogis consume a plant-based diet. You may see your relationship with food changing, too. Why do so many yogis give up eating animals? While the practice deeply connects to...
BOOK: Yoga and Veganism: The Diet of Enlightenment
In Yoga and Veganism: The Diet of Enlightenment, Sharon Gannon—co-creator of the renowned Jivamukti Yoga method—weaves together a compelling exploration of the intersection between the spiritual practice of Yoga, physical health, care for the planet, and a peaceful...
Conversion of the Carnivore: Becoming a Vegetarian (or Vegan) is More Than Just a Food Choice
One the most furious debates we can witness on social media is between the vegetarians and vegans versus the meat-eaters. Of all the issues facing the world currently, this conversation can drive such strife on both sides. Recently, I read a post from a friend on...
The Yoga Way: Food for Body, Mind & Spirit
Recently, Integral Yoga teacher Carole Kalyani Baral was interviewed on Unity Online Radio's "Main Street Vegan" program by its host Victoria Moran. In this excerpt from the show, Kalyani talks about her Integral Yoga journey, becoming a vegetarian (and, later,...
The Inner Art of Vegetarianism
In this article, author and activist Carol Adams explores the balance between the inner life of spiritual growth and the outer life of practical compassion. She shows reasons why becoming a complete vegetarian (i.e., no eggs or dairy), or vegan is deeply wedded to...
Compassion is Good for Body and Soul
Sample from the Winter 2006 issue of Integral Yoga Magazine An Interview with Dr. Neal Barnard Clinical researcher and author Neal Barnard, M.D., is one of America’s leading advocates for health, nutrition and higher standards in medical research. In 1985 Dr. Barnard...
Questions and Answers with Swami Satchidananda: Yoga and Diet
In this article, Swami Satchidananda answers questions about Yoga and vegetarian diet. Q: Is it hypocritical to be a vegetarian for spiritual reasons and also to cook for others who insist on eating meat? A: Just because you have become a vegetarian, it doesn’t mean...
Vegetarianism and the Yoga Sutras
In the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali lays out an eight-limbed plan for liberation called Raja Yoga. The first limb is called yama, which means restraint and includes five ethical restrictions: ahimsa (non-harming), satya (truthfulness), asteya (nonstealing), brahmacharya...
Spiritual Nutrition: Diet for Enlightenment
Gabriel Cousens is considered a physician of the soul. His books, Conscious Eating and Spiritual Nutrition have been referred to as the “bible of vegetarians.” His background as a holistic physician, medical researcher, live-food nutritionist, ecological leader,...
Ahimsa: The First Step in Yogic Diet
“Who will be the happiest? The one who brings happiness to others.” –Swami Satchidananda How we behave toward others and our environment reveals—more than anything else—our inner state of mind and the current condition of our personalities. When we are self-confident...