“Lotus Girl”

From one of the central figures in Buddhism’s introduction to the West and the founder of Tricycle magazine comes Lotus Girl: My Life at the Crossroads of Buddhism and America by Helen Tworkov, a brilliant memoir of forging one’s own path that Pico Iyer calls...

Tender Recollections of My Guru

Sri Gurudev Swami Satchidananda came to the West in 1966. His presence was magnetic. He attracted people from all walks of life, from diverse backgrounds and faiths, with different temperaments, interests and capacities. The unifying factor amidst all the diversity...

Book: Teaching Events — How the Guru Dismantled My Illusions

How many times and how much do we invest in holding up the veils that obscure the truth and the opportunities for enlightenment? A Guru can aid a student in navigating the path, gaining mastery over the obstacles, cracking open the egg shell, and reaching the summit....