While in seclusion (in the early 1940s) undergoing intensive sadhana, Ramaswamy’s (Swami Satchidananda’s birth name) diet was austere, limited to one meal a day at noon consisting of kitcheree, a mixture of rice and dhal. His mother, Srimati Velammai, would prepare it...
Integral Psychology of Yoga
Introduction The art and science of Yoga, one of the greatest treasures of India's unique cultural heritage, has much to offer in terms of understanding the human mind. Yoga treats the human being as a multi-layered conscious being, possessing three bodies (sthula,...
The Art of Yoga
God created this world with the good intention of making all living beings lead a happy and peaceful life. All living beings seem to have the same intention. We don’t see any living being who doesn’t want to be happy. People work hard to have a long life of good...
Kundalini: A Dynamic Force
Yoga students should be very, very careful when it comes the kundalini. It is a dynamic force, part of the cosmic force, that is in everybody. It is something like a seed that is alive and has the quality to germinate into a big tree. But, if you break open the seed...
There’s Nothing to Surrender To
Many things just seem to happen. It’s something like what occurs with a magnet. The magnet is sitting there, static, but the magnetic field spreads out. When iron particles come within a certain distance of the magnet, they move around. Can you say that the magnet is...
Q & A with Swami Satchidananda: How to Overcome Powerlessness
Question: How can I overcome a feeling of powerlessness and change my life? Swami Satchidananda: Put in some power! The reason you feel powerless is because there‘s not enough vital energy in you. Pranayama practice will fill you with more vital energy. And, you can...