How Meditation Can Help in Times of Loss and Heartbreak

In grief and loss, the mind is powerfully affected. The way we think is changed. The content of our thoughts is altered. Particularly in early and traumatic grief, we forget things, we lose things, we are distracted and inattentive. Alternatively, we can be utterly...

The Colorful World of Peter Max

In this short video from 2015, CBS This Morning interviewed pop artist icon Peter Max. This past week, Peter Max Studio sent out a promo for his beautiful artwork and they highlighted Max’s relationship with Swami Satchidananda (Max’s Guru) and the...

Mind the Gap! A Teaching from Deepak Chopra

In this short video, Dr. Deepak Chopra (doctor, spiritual teacher and author) summarizes the teachings of the nondual traditions with this explanation of one’s true essence-nature. He says, “The knowing secret is in the gap between every thought, every...

How a Catbird Taught Me to Meditate

I awoke in the dark morning of early June to the lemony song of a catbird. My body lay heavy with sleep. But my mind began to prowl. As the catbird sang I tried to identify the bird calls he mimicked. My ears strained to classify the snippets he copied: the high...

The Intersection of Medicine and Spirituality

In this video, Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. Dean Ornish, two longtime friends and medical doctors—who are also spiritual practitioners/teachers—discuss the intersection of medicine, Yoga, meditation, love and spirituality. They also explain how meditation and lifestyle...