
How Pranayama Works

How Pranayama Works

The word pranayama is not a single word but rather a combination of two Sanskrit words: prana and ayama. Prana could be translated as vital energy or the cosmic energy that causes any kind of movement. Even the movement of the electrons around the nucleus within an...

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The Art of Yoga

The Art of Yoga

God created this world with the good intention of making all living beings lead a happy and peaceful life. All living beings seem to have the same intention. We don’t see any living being who doesn’t want to be happy. People work hard to have a long life of good...

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Kundalini: A Dynamic Force

Kundalini: A Dynamic Force

Yoga students should be very, very careful when it comes the kundalini. It is a dynamic force, part of the cosmic force, that is in everybody. It is something like a seed that is alive and has the quality to germinate into a big tree. But, if you break open the seed...

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Q & A with Swami Satchidananda on Spiritual Energy

Q & A with Swami Satchidananda on Spiritual Energy

Question: I sometimes experience the rising of the sacred Kundalini, accompanied by a soft humming sound and a certain degree of bliss or peace. Why does this energy remain only briefly? Swami Satchidananda: It’s a beautiful question. I’m glad to know that you have...

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Yoga and Kabbalah

Sample from the Fall 2004 issue of Integral Yoga Magazine By Prahaladan Mandelkorn Recently, Prahaladan Mandelkorn and Rabbi David Shneyer offered at Yogaville what may have been the first Yoga and Kabbalah workshop. Here are some themes from these overlapping...

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