Yoga’s First Interfaith Ministry

The first thoughts of proposing some type of ministry for the Integral Yoga organization occurred in the winter of 1980.  My mother had been a member of the Third Order of St. Francis when she was young. This order was established by St. Francis in response to a...

Prison Yoga: We’re All Doing Time

Sample from the Spring 2008 issue of Integral Yoga Magazine An Interview with Bo Lozoff Bo and Sita Lozoff founded, with Ram Dass, the largest prison interfaith ministry in the world. It is now in 60 countries with 50,000 prisoners on the mailing list. Bo’s book,...

The Integral Yoga Ministry

The Integral Yoga Ministry was inspired by Sri Gurudev Swami Satchidananda’s example and motto: “The dedicated enjoy supreme peace, therefore live only to serve.” Some of his students have chosen the path of sannyas or monasticism. The first of his...