Truthfulness is something lauded by most wisdom paths but what does it really mean to be living truthfully—in one’s life, relationships, and in following your bliss? The “Two Old Fogey Yogis” explore the many aspects and layers of
satya, including living as transparently and authentically as possible, and communicating in truthful ways interpersonally. How do we find and follow our “truth” and what does it really mean to be awake in the truth? Listen on
Soundcloud, iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, iHeart Radio, Stitcher & other podcast apps.
Whether you have never practiced Yoga or you have a deep practice, this podcast covers a range of topics, with something for everyone! Swami Asokananda (a senior monk in the Integral Yoga tradition and president of the Integral Yoga Institute of New York) and Rev. Prem (an Integral Yoga Minister and former assistant to Swami Satchidananda, the founder of Integral Yoga) are your hosts and have nearly 100 years of Yoga practice between us. In this introductory episode, we give an intro to ourselves, Integral Yoga, an overview of topics, and then have a lively discussion about the 1960s, how Swami Satchidananda came to the West, the Woodstock generation, and what it was really like to be a spiritual seeker at that time. New episodes drop each Friday and are available everywhere.