Russell Simmons on his vegan diet, Obama and Yoga


The founder of Def Jam Records Russell Simmons was interviewed on CNN’s “American Morning”. He was asked why he follows a vegan diet. He also discusses Barack Obama and yoga. *note* Although Russell does follow a vegan diet he is not a vegan. He does wear leather.

Veganism & Yoga
Integral Yoga Institute in San Francisco talks about the importance of a vegan diet with the yoga philosophy. From the TV show –

Sri Swami Satchidananda (Integral Yoga): Nonviolent Food
The food we eat should be a “love-offering,” not a product of violence (meaning we should eat vegan and vegetarian food), Sri Gurudev teaches during his talk on holistic healing at Lynchburg College, Virginia, 1987.

The Diet of Enlightenment
Jivamukti Yoga co-founder Sharon Gannon’s book illuminates the foundation of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras to establish ethical vegetarianism as the most important part of any yoga practice.

Ultimate Yoga Diet
This is just a Video project that i decided to do for my yoga class. Let me know what you think.

Sri Swami Satchidananda (Integral Yoga):You Are What You Eat
“Most of our physical problems are caused by the food we eat,” Sri Gurudev explains in this talk on holistic healing at Lynchburg College, Virginia in 1987.

Over 2,000 years ago, South Indian saint Tiruvalluvar wrote in the Tirukural:
0.    The body requires no medicine if you eat only after the food you have already eaten is digested. –Kural 942
0.    Once digestion is complete, eat with moderation; that is the way to prolong the life of the body. –Kural 943
0.    Life remains unharmed when one eats with restraint, refraining from foods that have proven disagreeable. –Kural 945
0.    The pleasures of health abide in the man who eats moderately. The pains of disease dwell with him who eats excessively. –Kural 946 ]

Modern Science may think it is too early to conclude, but Hindu sages have long held that control of appetite, mitahara, and control of breath, pranayama, are the keys to longevity and health. Hinduism Today’s founder Sivaya Subramuniyaswami wrote, “Mitahara is a restraint that we must all obey. The body knows no wisdom; it would eat and drink itself to death if it had its way.”


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