Integral Yoga Virtual Memorial Service: Nov. 3, 2024

Featured News, Interfaith

Photo by Niklas Ohlrogge via Unsplash.

The Integral Yoga Ministry welcomes you join the Annual Integral Yoga Virtual Memorial Service Sunday, November 3, 2024, 1pm – 3pm Eastern. We know that the loss of a loved one is difficult and can’t be easily adjusted to no matter how long ago they passed. We also have seen first hand how that pain can be made easier with emotional and spiritual support. We want to provide you with that support.

When we lose a family member, a friend, and even an animal family member, we want to honor them in a way that shows love and recognition of how they have given meaning and joy to our lives.
Likewise, all the great spiritual traditions teach us different ways of honoring loved ones as they pass on. In order to commemorate our family and friends, as well as recognize that Truth is One, Paths are Many, we hope you can join us in our virtual Integral Yoga Memorial Service to invoke divine blessings upon the departed souls and to bring us all comfort and peace.
The service will highlight:
1. Our Faith Representatives will share their insights and prayers.
2. An Integral Yoga Arati (Waving of Light as a Blessing for All)
3. A slide show of loved ones and their qualities to warm us with sweet memories and inspiration
4. A beautiful candlelight ceremony to send prayers to our loved ones as they continue their soul’s journey.
Please join us online for this virtual service. Register and receive the Zoom link here.
PLEASE NOTE: If you wish us to include your loved one in the memorial slide show, please send us their picture, full name, date of birth and of passing, and two to three positive qualities for which they will be remembered. Email this information to [email protected] no later than Monday, October 21.
Also please bring a candle for the candle lighting part of the service.
This offering is free.
Donations are welcome to offset Ministry expenses.

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