The 12-Step Yogi

The 12-Step Yogi

Yoga, combined with 12-Step principles, enhances the recovery process, as both systems complement one another. The additional benefits of a Yoga practice include philosophical and physical components to help guide the practitioner to lifestyle changes that ultimately...

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What is the One Thing We All Want?

What is the One Thing We All Want?

Some people love to travel. If you ask, “Why do you want to travel?" they may say, “To see a lot of places.” “So if you see a lot of places, what will happen?”  “Well, I’ll be happy.” “If you ask the travel agent, why are you making all those arrangements for them to...

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What Yoga Teaches Us About Emotional Pain

What Yoga Teaches Us About Emotional Pain

One of Patanjali’s sutras buried in the Second Pada is: "Pain that has not yet come is avoidable" (2.16). This is very similar to, I would even say, exactly, what the Buddha taught: that suffering can end—as stated in the Third Noble Truth—though we hardly seem to get...

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Overcoming Fear, Anger, and Depression

Overcoming Fear, Anger, and Depression

Fear, anger, and depression are all related. It all starts with fear. You want something and you become afraid of not getting it, or you get it, and you become afraid of losing it. There is a beautiful sequence in the Bhagavad Gita that illustrates this point. First...

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“As You Think, So You Become”

“As You Think, So You Become”

There is a Sanskrit saying that Swami Satchidananda often quoted: “Mana eva manushyanam karanam bandha mokshayoho.” It means: “As the mind, so the individual. Bondage or liberation are in the mind.” In other words, “As you think, so you become.” If you think well, you...

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Emotional Self-Mastery

Emotional Self-Mastery

Emotions are part of the mind and are one part of its functioning. According to Raja Yoga, there are several different ways the mind functions: the analytic mind, the feeling mind, the thinking mind and the desiring mind. Some people think if you are a big yogi, you...

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Yoga and the Trauma Sensitive Person

Yoga and the Trauma Sensitive Person

Dr. Bessel van der Kolk is considered one of the world’s leading authorities on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). He has pioneered the use of Yoga as a therapy that is helping these individuals to work through their PTSD and regain a sense of mastery that has...

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Vedanta and Psychotherapy

Vedanta and Psychotherapy

Vedanta and Psychotherapy would seem at opposite ends of the spectrum. Vedanta asserts that all is Brahman and psychotherapy has the psyche as its focus. But as Swami Tadatmananda, a senior disciple of  Sri Swami Dayananda (one of the most respected Vedantis)...

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The Yoga of Recovery

The Yoga of Recovery

Durga Leela is a clinical Ayurveda and Pancha Karma specialist who has been involved with 12-step programs for the past 13 years. She developed the Yoga of Recovery to help those struggling with addictions lead new, empowered lives. In this interview, she discusses...

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