Finding Your Path

Finding Your Path

What drew you to your spiritual path? Does modern Yoga throw out the “baby with the bathwater” when it goes post-lineage? In Ep 10 of the “Two Old Fogey Yogis” podcast, our hosts explore the relevance of a traditional spiritual path in today’s world and what drew each...

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What is the Purpose of Life?

What is the Purpose of Life?

Students often ask me questions like, “Why am I here on this earth?“ “What am I to do here?“ and “What is the purpose of life?“ The answer is that we are here to fulfill our part of the work in the great universal mission. There is one universal plan, a cosmic plan,...

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Go Within

Go Within

Nothing is going to make you always happy. That’s what the Mother Nature teaches. She says, “You are running after me for happiness; stop running.” Sometimes we hear people saying, “I’ve run and run and run and now I’m tired of running. I’m going to stop.” If that...

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What is Integral Yoga?

What is Integral Yoga?

Did you ever wonder what "Integral Yoga" means? In this video, Mataji (a long-time disciple of Swami Satchidananda) describes how the path of Integral Yoga progressively brings the body, heart, mind, and spirit into harmony and peace. Swami Gurucharanananda, lovingly...

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This Is What We Call Integral Yoga

This Is What We Call Integral Yoga

In order to be attuned to the Cosmic Consciousness, you have to be tuned in. If you haven’t tuned yourself in, then nothing will come. And if you tune to a wrong station, horrible things will come. But when you are tuned well, when you are at ease, everything comes to...

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Wake Up!

Wake Up!

When I was a young boy, I used to dream a lot about wild animals in the jungle. And very often, in these dreams, they used to chase me. I would run and run and get so tired and when I felt that I couldn’t run anymore and the tiger was very close to me, right in the...

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How to Cultivate Equanimity

How to Cultivate Equanimity

To cultivate equanimity you have to have a strong mind and that means a strong will. In order to develop the will, that one-pointed mind, you practice concentration and meditation. Concentration strengthens the mind because anything that is fully concentrated is more...

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Compassion During Crisis

Compassion During Crisis

On June 21st, we celebrate the annual International Day of Yoga. In honor of this day, we are publishing this inspiring essay by Sharon Gannon (cofounder of Jivamukti Yoga and spiritual activist) that reveals the heart and soul of what Yoga is all about. yam hi na...

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Let Us Walk Together

Let Us Walk Together

There is a great Vedic chant: “Samgachadhvam samvadadhvam samvomanamsi janatam,” which means, “Let us walk together very well, let us talk together, and let out minds be united to think together.” And this is the need of the hour. We have faced, and we are facing, the...

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There’s Nothing to Surrender To

There’s Nothing to Surrender To

Many things just seem to happen. It’s something like what occurs with a magnet. The magnet is sitting there, static, but the magnetic field spreads out. When iron particles come within a certain distance of the magnet, they move around. Can you say that the magnet is...

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Facing Challenges without Fear

Facing Challenges without Fear

If our aim is great, then our obstacles will also be very big. Always remember that without suffering we can never achieve anything great. That’s why I always say that the bigger the pain, the bigger the gain. No pain, no gain. Pain builds up a lot of strength in you....

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