Integral Yoga teacher, India Henson’s new book Surfing with a Rookie Yogi has just been published. Here, she gives an overview of it. Congratulations India!
“My new book is both a memoir and informational resource for readers that will deepen their understanding of Yoga beyond the studio and into their daily lives. Coming to Yoga later in life upon entering into the empty nest years, I realized the spiritual transformative value of Yoga, particularly at this time of life. When the decades of parenting at breakneck pace finally end, and homes are quieter than they have been in years, many empty-nesters find themselves getting to know themselves in a whole new way. My training at Satchidananda Ashram gave me the space to rediscover my faith and identity, which I didn’t even realize had been lost. Though I found a local home in the Episcopal Church, I still consider my spiritual home with Satchidananda Ashram. This book reveals the changes that can result from transitioning into middle age and beyond with the help and guidance of many generous, wise, and loving people.”