Yoga Philosophy

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Introduction to The Essential Teachings of Swami Satchidananda

In this short, self-directed, free online course, "Introduction to The Essential Teachings of Swami Satchidananda," you will be able to watch Swami Satchidananda sharing some of his core teachings in his fun, loving, and inspirational manner. He also reflects on how...

The Yoga of Waves

Gerry Lopez is one of the most influential surfers and surfboard shapers of all time. Known as "Mr. Pipeline"—for his mastery of the huge waves that form large, hollow, thick curls of water that surfers can tube ride—Lopez is an entrepreneur, a family man, a movie...

No Separate Little You

In this inspiring contemplation, renowned Yoga teacher Erich Schiffman offers an embodiment practice. He gently guides us toward the recognition that we only exist because "The All, The One, the only Mind, Consciousness or Presence in existence anywhere is what is...

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The Power of the Human Mind

The Power of the Human Mind

There is nothing more powerful than the human mind. The mind has a tremendous capacity, so it can be trained to do anything. We can see this in the mental accomplishments or siddhis. If your thought force is strong enough, just by simply looking at an ordinary piece...

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Developing Spiritual Vision

Developing Spiritual Vision

How to love everyone equally? It’s a beautiful question. There are so many differences among us in terms of age, physical characteristics, professions, and so on. The only way to love everybody equally is to see the common element running through all these...

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A Solution to the World’s Problems

A Solution to the World’s Problems

This talk was given by Sri Swami Satchidananda to a gathering of members from the Lions Club and Rotarian Club organizations in Hong Kong. The main reason behind all the world’s problems is selfishness. Living an unselfish life means that we perform our actions for...

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The Science of Yoga, Part 1: Yogabhyasa and Yogavidya

The Science of Yoga, Part 1: Yogabhyasa and Yogavidya

The practice of Yoga and the science of Yoga, or Yoga­bhyasa and Yogavidya, are two of the traditional ways that Yoga is described. Yoga is a practice (abhyasa) and a science (vidya). While asanas and pranayama are immensely popular and currently the most visible...

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The Secret of Karma Revealed

The Secret of Karma Revealed

As long as you feel that you are doing something, then you are responsible. But when you don’t feel that you are doing anything, and you feel that you have completely surrendered into the hands of a Higher Power that does everything, where is the karma for you? When...

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The Lessons of Life’s Vital Moments

The Lessons of Life’s Vital Moments

Transformation happens in life’s “vital moments,” says Adyashanti — the moments when something changes, and we must redefine our whole identity. There are times when a great deal depends on the decisions we make and which direction we go in. I call these “vitality...

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Have you always wondered what reincarnation really is? Could it be true? Where's the proof? In this video, Nalanie Harilela Chellaram (Integral Yoga teacher and teacher trainer, founder of Service in Satchidananda and Integral Yoga Gibraltar and Sotogrande) talks...

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The Divine Light in You

The Divine Light in You

All our various spiritual practices should bring some benefit right away to the body, mind and to our society. Don’t think that if you practice for a long time and there’s no benefit that suddenly, after twenty years, peace will come to you! Instead, you should feel...

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A Message of Hope from Sri Swami Satchidananda on 9/11

A Message of Hope from Sri Swami Satchidananda on 9/11

During 9/11, many devotees and students reached out to Sri Swami Satchidananda to ask his advice about how to not only understand what happened on September 11, 2001, but also what they could do during that time to help relieve suffering. The evening of September...

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Sri Swami Sivananda Jayanthi: September 8, 2021

Sri Swami Sivananda Jayanthi: September 8, 2021

September 8th marks the 134th birth anniversary of Sri Swami Sivanandaji, the Guru of Sri Swami Satchidananda. Swami Sivanandaji is considered one of the greatest Yoga Masters and Vedantins of the 20th century. He founded the Divine Life Society and Sivananda Ashram...

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