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Seven Favorite Yoga Teachings

José Rafael Madureira, an Integral Yoga Brazil sangha member, produced this inspiring YouTube playlist containing his seven most favorite quotes from Swami Satchidananda. José kindly offered these in honor of the 110th birth anniversary of Sri Swamiji (December 22,...

Yogic Preparation for the End of Life

From time-to-time, Integral Yoga teachers ask how to address yogic practices, traditions, and advice on preparing for death. Here are some tips, from our own expert in the field, that may be helpful in preparing for your or anyone’s journey—starting with some basic...

Challenging the Norms: A Journey into Yoga’s Heart

In this enlightening episode of the Integral Yoga Podcast, hosted by Avi Gordon (director, Integral Yoga Teachers Association), Michelle Jacobi shares her captivating journey into the world of Yoga. Starting as a professional dancer in New York with a keen interest in...

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Earth Day and Beyond

Earth Day and Beyond

In honor of Earth Day, here is the answer to a question a student once asked Swami Satchidananda the question: "What do you think will happen to our natural environment?" It’s already happening. We are ruining it. Now we are thinking of repairing it. Well that’s the...

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Learning Lessons

Learning Lessons

Anybody can follow saints, sages, and prophets—even the tail follows the body of the dog but it remains a tail. You have to become that peace, joy, wisdom, on your own. You should bring out those qualities in your life and let people say, “Oh, here is another Jesus,...

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What Does Moderation Really Mean?

What Does Moderation Really Mean?

Question: I’ve heard you say that everything is all right in moderation. Can you speak more about that, and does it apply to drinking alcohol and smoking? Swami Satchidananda: There is a saying, in the Tirukkural, one of the oldest spiritual texts in Tamil, “You can...

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Facing Tests

Facing Tests

There are continuous, constant tests on a spiritual path. A person who wants to get a degree is given tests. Those who are not interested in learning, do not need to be tested. Teachers will not even want to give a test to a person who doesn’t want to learn. And, the...

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