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How Yoga Helps
When Prevention magazine published two articles about Integral Health Services—a groundbreaking integrative medicine clinic in Connecticut, the waiting list at IHS grew into a 2-year wait! Possibly the first health center of its kind in North America (and even the...
The Clinic Where Love and Medicine Go Hand in Hand
In November 1977, Prevention magazine published the first of two articles about Integral Health Services—a groundbreaking integrative medicine clinic in Connecticut. Possibly the first health center of its kind in North America (and even the world), it was based on...
The Yoga M.D.
Dr. Sandra Amrita McLanahan is a holistic and Yoga medical doctor with a family practice in Yogaville. She is a pioneer in the field of integrative and lifestyle medicine, having founded America’s first holistic health center in Connecticut in 1976. Personal physician...
Saving My Neck: A Doctor’s East/West Journey through Cancer
In this interview, Timothy McCall, MD (author of Yoga as Medicine), talks about his new book: Saving My Neck, which is a deeply personal and inspiring memoir of his healing journey during which he integrated the best of western and eastern medicine. Nina: Your new...
“Architects of Change:” Maria Shriver Interviews Dr. Dean Ornish
Journalist Maria Shriver has created an important interview series she's calling: "Architects of Change." In this episode, she sits down with Dr. Dean Ornish, author of Undo It! to discuss his new book and what he learned from his teacher, Swami Satchidananda, who...
The Essence of Yoga Therapy
In this article, Swami Satchidananda, founder of Integral Yoga, and a trained naturopath himself, discusses the essential elements that comprise classical Yoga therapy. When I came to this country in 1966, I met Dr. Ramamurti Mishra (who became Swami Brahmananda), the...
Applying Yoga Therapy in Healthcare
Abstract: Yoga Therapy is the adaptation of the Yoga practices for patients with various chronic dis-eases. Yoga is a stepwise practice for self-realization. During the practice a person also develops some health benefits, which can be used as adjuvant therapy for...
A Living Laboratory for Yoga Research
Dr. Jeffery Dusek, Kripalu’s Chief Research Officer, Leads New Studies on the Power of Mind/Body Practices Jeffery Dusek was in high school when he had his first experience of how the breath can powerfully impact the body and the mind. “Growing up, I was a hockey...
Understanding Yogic Concepts of Health and Disease
Introduction Yoga is a spiritual science for the integrated and holistic development of our physical, mental and moral-spiritual aspects of being. The philosophy of Yoga is practical and applicable in our day-to-day living. Yoga has been documented to normalise...
The Eight Limbs of Yoga in Ayurvedic and Yogic Therapy
Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri) is regarded as one of the world’s foremost experts on Ayurveda, Yoga and Vedic Studies. This article offers a preview of the Teacher Training program that Dr. Frawley developed based on how the eight limbs of Yoga can be...