November is
World Vegan Month and also the time when many friends and families enjoy turkey dinners, so it seems most fitting to share the wisdom of
ahimsa (non-injury) through the life and teachings of Meenakshi Angel Honig. Meenakshi, a senior Integral Yoga teacher and trainer, is a passionate advocate for vegan diet and lifestyle. In this
podcast, she talks about her Yoga journey and how veganism became an ardent platform for her.
Avi Gordon (director of Integral Yoga Teachers Association) and vegan author Meenakshi Angel Honig discuss Swami Satchidananda, the idea of ahimsa (non-violence) as applied to our diet, talking to people about veganism, the connection between ahimsa and happiness, and her new book The Solution: 10 Compelling Reasons to Choose a Plant-based Diet & Lifestyle – The Why & The How.”
Meenakshi is dedicated to peace & lovingkindness. She has studied with the world-renowned, highly revered & deeply loved Yoga Master, Sri Swami Satchidananda since the age of 16. Meenakshi Angel is an internationally acclaimed certified Integral Yoga Instructor & Yoga Teacher Trainer. She is about to celebrate her 50th consecutive year of being a Yoga teacher and over 25 years as a Yoga Teacher Trainer!
She served as the premier Mind, Body, Spirit, Yoga Instructor & Stress Management Consultant at the award-winning Grand Wailea Resort for over 17 years & she currently teaches at the spectacular five-star Fairmont Kea Lani on Maui. Meenakshi Angel is a licensed minister & an animal rights advocate. She is a highly respected leader in promoting plant-based nutrition for individual & global wellbeing. Meenakshi Angel has produced 5 DVDs, 2 CDs & is the author of 11 books. Her work is endorsed by Sri Swami Satchidananda, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Dean Ornish, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Dr. Michael Klaper, Dr. John Gray, Dr. Will Tuttle, John Robins, Alan Cohen, Marci Schimoff, Katherine Woodward Thomas, Miranda Macpherson, Swami Karunananda, Mirabai Devi & many other great luminaries! To find out more about how you can benefit from Meenakshi Angel’s services & products, please visit ~ www.AngelYoga.com