Yoga Calm, developed by Lynea Gillen, MS and Jim Gillen, RYT, is an innovative child education method that reduces stress and then engages both body and mind for optimum learning. It helps children develop emotional intelligence, communication skills, trust and empathy. It nurtures teamwork and leadership. It prepares students to learn.

The program is a unique blend of the traditional Yoga practices of mindfulness, physical activity, and nervous system regulation with social skills games and counseling techniques. Integrating fitness, social/emotional and cognitive learning into 5 to 40 minute processes, the program includes more than 60 activities specially designed for use in school and therapeutic settings.

Yoga Calm works with a wide range of students, including those struggling with ADHD, anxiety and other behavioral and emotional challenges. The physical elements are safe for and accessible to people at all skill and fitness levels. Individual activities can be taught in as little as five minutes—by anyone, in any environment.

Yoga Calm addresses barriers to children’s learning by meeting their basic needs—needs for community, safety, structure, discipline, health and self-control.