Yoga Alliance: Yoga’s Professional Organization

Teacher Training

Yoga Alliance® was founded in 1999 and it is now the biggest international nonprofit association in the Yoga community, serving a diverse community. Integral Yoga is honored to be a founding member of Yoga Alliance—the largest registry of Yoga teachers and schools in the world. Swami Asokananda, president of the Integral Yoga Institute of New York, is a member of the board of directors.

Yoga Alliance grants “Registered Yoga Teacher” (RYT) status to Yoga teachers who meet certain standards and this designation is now an important and recognized standard in the field.


(Last updated: December 31, 2017)

YA’s mission is to promote and support the integrity and diversity of the teaching of Yoga through:

  • Celebrating the diversity of yoga styles, traditions and lineages;
  • Advocating for self-regulation in the yoga industry and universal access to safe yoga practices;
  • Upholding the worldwide growth of yoga through education and community;
  • Educating the public on the value and credibility of voluntary registration with Yoga Alliance;
  • Encouraging safe yoga instruction by promoting adoption of Yoga Alliance’s quantitative Standards;
  • Inspiring members to foster an informal yoga community by providing fair and full feedback to Registered Yoga Schools, which fosters accountability and continual improvement;
  • Advocating to protect the yoga community from unfair or unnecessarily burdensome patents, taxation or government regulation;
  • Guiding yoga teachers and schools in achieving success with conscious and effective business practices; and
  • Serving the member community by supporting scholarship programs, providing benefits, and developing strategic alliances.

Currently, there are over 85,500 Registered Yoga Teachers (RYT®s) and more than 5,700 Registered Yoga Schools (RYS®s).

In 2016, the Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider® (YACEP®) designation was introduced and the only continuing education Directory for yoga teachers. Today, Yoga Alliance represents thousands of teachers, schools and continuing education providers worldwide.


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