The Heart of the Gita

Bhagavad Gita, Featured Philosophy

In Episode 14 of the “Two Old Fogey Yogis” podcast, our two yogis discuss the study of foundational texts in the Yoga tradition and how to work with these in a way that engages them as “literary incarnations” filled with living wisdom. They also explore what the teachings of the Gita have to tell us about balancing selflessness with keeping our own cups full, among other vital points. Swami Asokananda, well-known for his teachings on the Gita, shares his personal journey with the text. Listen on Soundcloud, iTunes, Spotify & other podcast apps.

This podcast, featuring two of Integral Yoga’s respected elders: Swami Asokananda (president of the Integral Yoga Institute of New York) and Rev. Prem Anjali (editor of Integral Yoga Magazine) is a a fun and lively weekly convo on topics including meditation, Hatha Yoga, the various branches of classical Yoga, and each of their spiritual journeys. The podcast is hosted on Soundcloud and available iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, Pandora, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Please follow, subscribe, like, and spread the word! Also, don’t miss the earlier episodes! New episodes released each Friday!


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