Find a Yoga Teacher Training program

Teacher Training

For over forty years, Integral Yoga® has been serving the Yoga community with our world-renowned Yoga Teacher Training programs. These programs are led by the best instructors from our lineage, giving you the foundation you need to teach and practice Yoga with confidence.

Below, you will find a listing of the main teacher training programs offered by Integral Yoga.These programs are offered both at the Integral Yoga Academy at Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville in Virginia, and at various Integral Yoga centers around the globe. Find Integral Yoga Academy listings here and listings for all other centers here.

For other reputable training programs, we recommend you consult the Yoga Alliance website. Yoga Alliance (YA) is the national education and support organization for Yoga in the United States. It is the organization that registers Yoga teachers and teacher-training programs to make sure they comply with internationally recognized standards


Integral Yoga Training Programs: Yogaville

The Integral Yoga® 200-hour Teacher Training

This comprehensive Yoga teacher certification provides a strong foundation for personal and spiritual development, a space for nurturing your own practice, and the skills necessary to become a knowledgeable Yoga teacher. You will learn to teach each portion of the Integral Yoga Beginners’ class, including asanas (Yoga poses), deep relaxation, pranayama (breathing practices), chanting, and meditation.

Additionally, you will explore:

  • Classes in vegetarian diet
  • Instruction in basic anatomy and physiology
  • Chanting instruction—for personal practice and class settings
  • Raja Yoga (the science of the mind and yogic lifestyle)
  • Jnana Yoga (the study of Self-inquiry)
  • Bhakti Yoga (the path of devotion; including chanting, worship, and self-surrender)
  • Karma Yoga (the practice of selfless service)
  • Conducting and publicizing classes

At the Integral Yoga Academy at Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville, this program is a month-long residential program consisting of over 200 class hours. At Integral Yoga centers in the USA and abroad, the program may be conducted in different ways: over a number of months with classes during a weekday evening and weekends during the day; summer intensives that meet daily except weekends; residential programs conducted in two, 2-week sessions; residential one-month programs.

Intermediate Integral Yoga® Teacher Training

Intermediate Integral Yoga® Teacher Training offers an opportunity to profoundly enrich your understanding and practice of Integral Yoga. As a student, you’ll dive deeply into the subtle aspects of Yoga and acquire the skills needed to teach them.

  • Learn important additional asanas, their benefits, and how to safely guide students into and out of the poses
  • Explore making skillful sequencing choices and adaptations that will enhance your classes
  • Gain a fuller understanding of prana and pranayama techniques
  • Study the Bhagavad Gita, which expounds the philosophy and practices of the four main paths of Yoga (Karma, Raja, Bhakti, and Jnana Yoga)

Prerequites: 200-hour Integral Yoga Teacher Training completed at Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville, an Integral Yoga Institute, or Integral Yoga Center, and who have at least six months of Yoga teaching experience. Certified teachers from other traditions may also apply.

Advanced Integral Yoga Hatha Teacher Training

The Advanced Integral Yoga Hatha Teacher Training course enables your Yoga practice and teaching skills to flourish. Expand your teaching skills by learning how to instruct advanced classes and finding ways to take simple, basic asanas to a deeper and more subtle level–this is what truly makes a practice “advanced.”

Some of the topics covered in this training are:

  • More advanced asanas and variations, including inversions and arm balancing poses
  • Advanced study, theory, and practice of pranayama, as well as bandhas and kriyas
  • Guidance on how to safely introduce advanced practices
  • Additional study and immersion in Raja Yoga
  • Guidance on how to integrate koshas, Patanjali’s Ashtanga (Eight Limbs of Yoga), and meditation into your teaching and personal practice

There will be time to share experiences and to address challenges that you may have encountered in teaching or in your personal practice. In Yogaville’s peaceful, supportive environment, you will further your own growth by deeply exploring the science of Yoga.

Integral Yoga Intermediate Teacher Training and at least six months of experience teaching at the Intermediate level before applying. We require that all students not trained through Integral Yoga (IY) familiarize themselves with the IY method of teaching Hatha Yoga by taking classes at an IY Institute or from an IY teacher.

Raja Yoga Teacher Training

Add a new dimension to your practice and teaching with Raja Yoga, the science of meditation that leads one to experience greater peace and joy in life and spiritual realization. Raja Yoga purifies, strengthens, and harmonizes all aspects of the individual.

The Raja Yoga Teacher Training provides a unique opportunity to study and apply these great teachings to your life. You will also be trained in public speaking and teaching skills, empowering you to skillfully share these concepts with others.

The curriculum includes:

  • In-depth exploration of the Yoga Sutras
  • Instructions for how to incorporate these teachings into daily life
  • Opportunities to deepen and refine your own practice of Hatha Yoga, pranayama, and meditation
  • Training in answering questions, leading discussions, and developing group rapport
  • A syllabus for teaching a six-week Raja Yoga course

200-hour Yoga Teacher Training certification that includes an introductory Raja Yoga course and an ongoing daily meditation practice for at least six months.

Meditation Teacher Training

Swami Satchidananda said: “Meditation is the most important practice. Most of our problems in life would be solved if we meditated regularly.” Why? Because our whole experience of life is based on the condition of the mind, and meditation enables us to understand and gain mastery over the mind. As the mind becomes stronger, clearer, and calmer, we experience greater efficiency, harmony, and balance as we move through life. Because of the mind-body connection, our health improves as well. Ultimately, we are able to transcend the mind and realize our true nature, a state of supreme peace and joy—free of all sorrow, fear, and delusion.

Meditation Teacher Training will show you how to deepen your own meditation practice and how to guide others establishing a practice of their own. This training is held periodically and you can check here to see current offerings.

The curriculum includes:

  • Theory of meditation
  • Principal techniques of meditation, including mantra, witnessing, Self-inquiry, visualization, and prayer
  • Relationship of asana and pranayama to meditation
  • Overcoming obstacles to meditation practice
  • Integrating meditation into daily life
  • Leading guided meditations

You will develop a personal practice plan and will emerge with the knowledge, skill, and confidence to teach a six-week course, as well as comprehensive meditation workshops. In a world that is so much in need of peace, meditation is a time-honored practice that will empower you—and your students—to discover the peace within.

The course is available to certified Yoga instructors of all traditions who have had a regular daily meditation practice for at least six months. We recommend that all students not trained through Integral Yoga (IY) familiarize themselves with the IY method of teaching Hatha Yoga by taking classes at an IY Institute or from an IY teacher.

Pranayama Intensive for Teachers

As a Yoga teacher, you are a link in an eternal chain—one that continues with each new student that discovers and embraces the teachings. While asana practice has gone mainstream, the subtler teachings of pranayama, which impact physical health, vitality, mental peace, and spiritual awakening, are not as widely known. This intensive is an opportunity to clarify, deepen, and refine your own practice and to learn skills for imparting these teachings to others. If you teach someone how to utilize the breath properly, you will have given that person a key to a happy, healthy, and successful life.

The curriculum includes: A thorough exploration of pranayama theory and techniques will cover the following topics

  • Pranayama and health
  • Pranic healing visualization
  • Prana and the mind
  • Dealing with stress
  • Prana and the subtle body
  • Awakening the kundalini

Additionally, an in-depth discussion of teaching methodology will include instruction on how to design a class, elements of a dynamic teaching style, and ideas for inspiring and guiding students.

200-hour Yoga teacher certification.

Integral Yoga Teacher Training Programs USA and Around the World

Teachers Training in India

In addition to regular trainings held in India at the Integral Yoga Institute of Coimbatore (South India), the Integral Yoga Academy in Yogaville sponsors several trainings in India. These trainings are geared to westerners who would like to combine the training with a pilgrimage.

Travel to the birthplace of Yoga and earn your certification as an Integral Yoga teacher. In the motherland of Sri Swami Satchidananda, you will train with our master Yoga instructors in an intimate classroom setting. This month-long immersion will gift you with a profound knowledge of asanas (postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), meditation, anatomy and physiology, and Yoga philosophy. In addition to all of the of aspects of a traditional Integral Yoga 200-hour teacher training, you will be provided with the opportunity to explore India’s spiritual wisdom firsthand. Near ancient temples and surrounded by the native culture, the Integral Yoga Institute of Coimbatore will allow you to experience India to its fullest.

Integral Yoga Institute of New York: training programs throughout the year

Integral Yoga Institute of New Jersey: located in Fairlawn, New Jersey, this center offers basic Teachers Training

Integral Yoga Princeton Community Center: located in Princeton, New Jersey, this center offers several different trainings a year

Integral Yoga Australia: located in Melbourne, Victoria, this center offers basic Teacher Training periodically

Integral Yoga Europe: numerous trainings held throughout the year in various countries, languages, and at the IY European Training Center in Portugal. All trainings listed on the website.

Integral Yoga Hong Kong: various trainings held throughout the year, primarily in English.

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