Yoga for Wellness

Yoga for Wellness

There is a beautiful biblical saying: “Seek the kingdom of God first and all the rest will be added unto you.” Whether you want it or not, it will come. Health, wealth, friends, money and fame will just come to you. They are the by-products of the most important...

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Living a Healthy Life

Living a Healthy Life

Once, I was driving from one town to another in the region of Shillong, which is in the northeastern part of India. At that time, Shillong had recently won its independence. The politicians told the people that everyone was now free. Some of the country people felt...

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Inside an Asana: Vrikshasana (The Tree Pose)

Inside an Asana: Vrikshasana (The Tree Pose)

By Catherine Ghosh (Krishna Kanta Dasi) In this column, Catherine Ghosh delves deeply inside an asana to explore the inner symbolism and rich depth of vrikshasana, the tree pose For many sacred traditions, enlightenment occurs under the shelter of a grand tree. Entire...

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Who is the Breather?

Who is the Breather?

An Interview with Richard Rosen In this interview, Richard Rosen shares his expertise on pranayama from the perspective of a practitioner and a master teacher. He explains the importance of connecting with one’s authentic breath and promises that developing a practice...

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Pranayama Resources: Books and CDs

Pranayama Resources: Books and CDs

There are some classic books on the practice of pranayama, the theory and philosophy of the subtle, vital pranic force and Swami   Satchidananda’s “Breath of Life” CD that includes a guided pranic healing visualization. 1. Breath of Life CD: Integral Yoga Pranayama...

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Swami Sivananda’s “Science of Pranayama”

Swami Sivananda’s “Science of Pranayama”

Written in 1935, Sri Swami Sivananda’s book, classic book, The Science of Pranayama, is available for free download as a PDF and it is also available in hard copy from Integral Yoga Distribution or from the Divine Life Society of Rishikesh  who generously has made the...

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The Breath of Life

The Breath of Life

Quite other than this physical sheath which consists of food and interior to it is the energy sheath that consists of breath. This is encased in the physical sheath and has the same form. The one is filed with the other. This first has the likeness of a human being,...

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