Finding Your Path

Finding Your Path

What drew you to your spiritual path? Does modern Yoga throw out the “baby with the bathwater” when it goes post-lineage? In Ep 10 of the “Two Old Fogey Yogis” podcast, our hosts explore the relevance of a traditional spiritual path in today’s world and what drew each...

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Guru Tattva: The Guru Principle

Guru Tattva: The Guru Principle

Through venerating our Guru, our lineage and traditions, we are connecting with the principle of Guru-tattva. This is summarized in Śrīgurustotram: akhaṇḍamaṇḍalākāraṁ vyāptaṁ yena carācaram  tatpadaṁ darśitaṁ yena tasmai śrīgurave namaḥ Salutations to that Guru, who...

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