Digestive issues are widespread and prove difficult to address through mainstream medicine. In her new book, Yoga Therapy for Digestive Health, senior Yoga teacher Charlotte Watts sheds light on the connection between the gut and the brain, explains the links between...
BOOK: Yoga Therapy for Fear: Treating Anxiety, Depression and Rage with the Vagus Nerve and Other Techniques
Uncover fearlessness through Yoga's methods and disciplines with this guide. Yoga Therapy for Fear: Treating Anxiety, Depression and Rage with the Vagus Nerve and Other Techniques offers a medically-proven approach to help students and clients uncover their own...
Teaching Trauma Sensitive Yoga
Many people seem to find it interesting that a military man ended up teaching Yoga. At workshops and retreats, I am often asked how this came to be. The credit for my foray into Yoga belongs to my ego and my toes. A long career in the military, where exercise most...
BOOK: Teaching Trauma Sensitive Yoga
This new book, by Brendon Abram, is a practical, hands-on, experienced-based guide from a military veteran turned Yoga teacher. Abram studied with David Emerson (Trauma Center, Boston) and Daniel Libby (Veterans Yoga Project). Brendon Abram combines his first-hand...
My Journey with Multiple Sclerosis, Yoga, and Hope
Integral Yoga teacher Larissa Nusser talks about her being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), how Yoga plays such a large role in her life, and how she manages stress and other challenges while living with MS. The Beginning of the Journey… You are never the same...
Yoga Is Good Medicine for Breast Cancer Patients
I didn’t have a serious Yoga practice until I had breast cancer in 2011, although I had gone to a few Yoga classes here and there. My integrative oncologist suggested doing Yoga, among other things, to help me stay in remission. For those who don’t know, integrative...
A Living Laboratory for Yoga Research
Dr. Jeffery Dusek, Kripalu’s Chief Research Officer, Leads New Studies on the Power of Mind/Body Practices Jeffery Dusek was in high school when he had his first experience of how the breath can powerfully impact the body and the mind. “Growing up, I was a hockey...
Living a ‘Spiritful’ Life
Integrative medicine pioneer, Dr. Sandra Amrita McLanahan, offers these reflections and an inspirational view of spiritual life—or what she terms a "spiritful" life—during this tribute she offered her spiritual teacher (Swami Satchidananda) during the centennial...
Teaching Kids to Cope with Emotions Through Yoga
“Yoga allows us to bring an expanded consciousness of loving, living, and healing to our every day activities, starting from the inside out. A rainbow of practices was developed to help us make that journey. Included in that rainbow is the knowledge that we are the...
Yoga and the Trauma Sensitive Person
Dr. Bessel van der Kolk is considered one of the world’s leading authorities on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). He has pioneered the use of Yoga as a therapy that is helping these individuals to work through their PTSD and regain a sense of mastery that has...
The Spirit of Yoga Therapy
Integrative Yoga Therapy (IYT) founder Joseph Le Page is a pioneer and leader in training Yoga professionals who can bring the ancient insights of Yoga into mainstream wellness programs. His work is based on a vision of health as a unity of body, mind, and spirit. In...
The Essence of Yoga Therapy
In this article, Swami Satchidananda, founder of Integral Yoga, and a trained naturopath himself, discusses the essential elements that comprise classical Yoga therapy. When I came to this country in 1966, I met Dr. Ramamurti Mishra (who became Swami Brahmananda), the...
New Currents: Participatory Medicine
Jon Kabat-Zinn developed Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, a trailblazing behavioral medicine program. Thanks in large part to this pioneering program, mindfulness has now become a recognized element of integrative medicine and general health promotion. In this...
Are We Practicing Yoga Therapy Or Yogopathy?
In this article on Yoga therapy, Dr. Ananda discusses the state of Yoga therapy as it moves into the mainstream of complementary medicine. He expresses the concern that modern Yoga therapy could fall prey to losing the real essence of Yoga. He cautions that if Yoga...
Integral Yoga as Therapy
In this article, Integral Yoga master teacher, Swami Vidyananda explains that Yoga practice can help us win many battles with illness and suffering. And while Hatha Yoga and pranayama are powerful therapeutic tools, on the level of the body, we will all ultimately...
Essential Yoga Therapy
Robin Rothenberg is an internationally respected Yoga therapist who runs acclaimed training programs for teachers and therapists. She draws deeply from the authentic lineage of Yoga, while also incorporating a contemporary understanding of mind-body medicine, the...