“The Centered Heart” – Ancient Wisdom + Modern Science

In The Centered Heart, Susi Amendola, C-IAYT, 500-ERYT, Yoga therapist, stress management expert and senior trainer for Ornish Lifestyle Medicine, navigates the intricate relationship between stress management and overall health. She invites readers into...

The Health Benefits of Yoga with the Yoga MD

In this inspiring and informative video, Integral Yoga’s renowned Yoga MD, Dr. Sandra Amrita McLanahan, gives an overview of the health benefits of Yoga. She goes through each of the body’s physiological systems to highlight these benefits. Citing the...

Yoga to Support Immunity

Melanie Salvatore-August’s new book, Yoga to Support Immunity, is a clear, step-by-step whole-being Yoga at home program to help boost immune function and bring vitality to the mind and spirit. She includes in-depth instructions for specific Yoga poses and teaches you...

How Yoga Empowers Women to Take Control of Their Bladder Health

It’s been proven time and again that Yoga practice can have incredible effects on all aspects of your being. Stretching your physical body and giving space to your heart and mind to let go of the negativity first come to mind, but Yoga goes deeper than that. More than...

The Healing Power of Pranayama

Over ten years ago, a yogi friend went hiking up a steep mountain. She was wearing good shoes and enjoying the challenge, as well as the stunning view upon reaching the peak. Soon after she began her descent, she slipped and badly twisted her ankle. Immediately, she...