Rev. Jaganath, Integral Yoga Minister and Raja Yoga master teacher, has spent a lifetime delving into the deepest layers of meaning in Patanjali’s words within the Yoga Sutras. Our series continues with the 14th and 15th sutras of Chapter 1 in which Patanjali further...
Patanjali’s Words: The Nature of Yoga Practice
Rev. Jaganath, Integral Yoga Minister and Raja Yoga master teacher, has spent a lifetime delving into the deepest layers of meaning in Patanjali’s words within the Yoga Sutras. Our series continues with the 12th and 13th sutras of Chapter 1 in which Patanjali defines...
How to Be Happy Always
Yoga theory sometimes leaves us nowhere; it’s mostly intellectual. What the mind can understand is very little. So in the name of Yoga practice, we do something that can expand the mind and then, little by little, we understand things in a better way. We don’t want to...
Yoga Mind
In this exclusive excerpt from her book Yoga Mind — Journey Beyond the Physical, 30 Days to Enhance your Practice and Revolutionize Your Life From the Inside Out , Suzanne Saraswati Colón shares the inspiration that led her to become an Integral Yoga teacher, apply...
How to Practice Yoga Despite a Busy Lifestyle
It’s not difficult to practice Yoga, even with a very busy lifestyle. What do you think your Yoga practice is? Doing some postures, sitting in meditation and that’s all? No, there is a yogic way of doing everything; not that this is Yoga and that is not Yoga. Even the...
Mantra Meditation
I am often asked, “What should I meditate upon?” The simplest thing is to repeat a mantra (a mystic sound). It is a very sound method. It is really simple, but at the same time, very powerful. It could be OM or AMEN or HARI OM or OM SHANTI—any mantra you like. If you...
For the Love of Practice
By Reverends Lakshmi and Paraman Barsel Two of Integral Yoga’s most humorous, lively and insightful speakers, Paraman and Lakshmi Barsel have taught all aspects of Yoga for decades. In addition to teaching and designing Yoga workshops and training programs, they both...
Elevating Your Practice
An Interview with Charlotte Bell A longtime Yoga teacher and Buddhist meditation practitioner, Charlotte Bell has applied the teachings of the Yoga Sutras and the Buddha’s heed for mindfulness to her sadhana practice. In this interview, she discusses how the journey...
Elevating Your Practice
An Interview with Charlotte Bell A longtime Yoga teacher and Buddhist meditation practitioner, Charlotte Bell has applied the teachings of the Yoga Sutras and the Buddha’s heed for mindfulness to her sadhana practice. In this interview, she discusses how the journey...