Putting Our Ahimsa Where Our Mouth Is

In the early 1970s, I was in the dance department at the University of California, Berkeley, and right when I passed from my apartment to the campus, there was the Integral Yoga Institute. I went in there, long story short, to take a Yoga class. The postures were...

The Yoga Way: Food for Body, Mind & Spirit

Recently, Integral Yoga teacher Carole Kalyani Baral was interviewed on Unity Online Radio’s “Main Street Vegan” program by its host Victoria Moran. In this excerpt from the show, Kalyani talks about her Integral Yoga journey, becoming a vegetarian...

The Humble Vegetarian

In this article, Integral Yoga teacher April Gauri Hunziker (pictured here) explores the issue of how a yogi and vegetarian remains humble and avoids self-righteousness while remaining faithful to his or her principles. She poses some hard questions we may want to ask...

A Yogic or Sattvic Diet

To fully understand Swami Satchidananda’s teachings on the relationship between Yoga and diet, specifically, the psychological and spiritual benefits of a vegetarian/vegan diet, it’s important to know something about the three gunas, or the qualities of nature. The...