Mantras as an Aid to Meditation

Mantras as an Aid to Meditation

According to Dr. Frawley, mantra repetition is perhaps the main method of the Yoga meditation. He regards mantras as asanas for the mind. He’s written an entire book on the subject (Mantra Yoga and Primal Sound) and, in this interview, he details the use of mantra as...

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The Breath of Bhakti

The Breath of Bhakti

Ancient sages inform us that breath is the mirror of our ever flowing emotions. It reflects the way we each perceive and process external stimuli, and how we position our consciousness in relation to it. Because breathing is so intimately interwoven with our mental...

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Pranayama: Unique Gift of the Yogic Tradition

Pranayama: Unique Gift of the Yogic Tradition

Gary Kraftsow asserts that pranayama is among the most uniquely potent parts of Yoga practice. He explains that there’s no other tradition that has the sophistication of the yogic science of breath. In this article, he eloquently explains the ways you can use...

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Breath: The Sacred Bridge

Breath: The Sacred Bridge

“Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts.”  ~Thich Nhat Hahn Vera was shocked when her boyfriend told her he wouldn’t ask her out again because she always agreed with him. He said she never had any ideas of...

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How I Built Up My Pranayama Practice

How I Built Up My Pranayama Practice

In this article, Swami Asokananda reflects upon the journey that took him from novice pranayama student to one of Integral Yoga’s master teachers. He shares the challenges and triumphs of having a regular pranayama practice, as well as the insights and wisdom he...

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Pranayama: Its Therapeutic & Spiritual Potential

Pranayama: Its Therapeutic & Spiritual Potential

Introduction The Gurus of Vedic times placed great importance on pranayama and advocated its practice in order to unleash the hidden potential energy known as the Kundalini Shakti. In the Prasnopanishad we find the following statement: “All that exists in all the...

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Breath: The Subtle Connection

Breath: The Subtle Connection

Often in life, we overlook the value of the simple and familiar: a kind word, a helping hand, a timely smile. Such everyday gestures impart meaning and a sense of connectedness as we wend our way through time and space. Similarly, the breath is our constant companion,...

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The Aim of Spiritual Practice

The Aim of Spiritual Practice

The aim of all spiritual practice is to know your real Self, to know the Knower. Spiritual practices are done, essentially, to help clean your mind so that you can realize your spiritual truth—to realize the divine in you. Only when you have a clean mind can you...

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The Essence of Integral Yoga

The Essence of Integral Yoga

Traditionally there are five separate Yogas. Each, like a spoke of a wheel, leads to the hub, to oneness or union with the Divine. Hatha, the way of the body; Raja, the way of the mind; Karma, the way of service; and Bhakti, the way of the heart.  “Some people think...

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Hatha Yoga and Asanas

Hatha Yoga and Asanas

Hatha Yoga relates to the restraint of breath (pranayama), asanas, bandhas and mudras. “Ha” and “tha” mean the union of the sun and the moon, union of prana and apana vayus. “Hatha” means any tenacious practice till the object or end is achieved. Hatha Yoga is...

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Inside an Asana: Vrikshasana (The Tree Pose)

Inside an Asana: Vrikshasana (The Tree Pose)

By Catherine Ghosh (Krishna Kanta Dasi) In this column, Catherine Ghosh delves deeply inside an asana to explore the inner symbolism and rich depth of vrikshasana, the tree pose For many sacred traditions, enlightenment occurs under the shelter of a grand tree. Entire...

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The Prana of Immortality

The Prana of Immortality

An Interview with Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri) During the Yoga and Ayurveda training program that Dr. Frawley conducted in Yogaville this past summer, he gave an in-depth talk on the sacred nature of prana. Here, he shares these insights and emphasizes...

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Who is the Breather?

Who is the Breather?

An Interview with Richard Rosen In this interview, Richard Rosen shares his expertise on pranayama from the perspective of a practitioner and a master teacher. He explains the importance of connecting with one’s authentic breath and promises that developing a practice...

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The Breath of Bhakti

Sample from the Summer 2008 issue of Integral Yoga Magazine By Catherine Ghosh Ancient sages inform us that breath is the mirror of our ever flowing emotions. It reflects the way we each perceive and process external stimuli, and how we position our consciousness in...

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Creating a Home Practice

Creating a Home Practice

You may, at some point, feel inspired to make a transition from being a Hatha Yoga class attendee to being a more involved yogi. This means developing a personal practice, where you make the connection to your own inner peace on a daily basis. In fact, this connection...

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Pranayama Resources: Books and CDs

Pranayama Resources: Books and CDs

There are some classic books on the practice of pranayama, the theory and philosophy of the subtle, vital pranic force and Swami   Satchidananda’s “Breath of Life” CD that includes a guided pranic healing visualization. 1. Breath of Life CD: Integral Yoga Pranayama...

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