Everest or Bust!

Haris Harini Lender (Integral Yoga teacher, Camp Yogaville former director, Kidding Around Yoga founder) recently embarked on a trek to Mount Everest Base Camp. She’s sharing a travelogue of sorts and here’s an excerpt from it. Tomorrow begins my 9-day trek to Mount...

Kidding Around Yoga Launches New Website and New Initiatives

Congratulations to Integral Yoga teacher Haris Harini Lender, founder of Kidding Around Yoga (KAY), on the launch of the new KAY website, new online training program, and for the incredible success of this amazing program. Lender recently reported that 1 million plus...

Teaching Meditation by Kidding Around

Haris Harini Lender has taught Yoga and meditation to every age range, from infants to 90-year-olds. During her 11 years of running Camp Yogaville, she wrote songs and skits and developed many more skills that would help her to create the imaginative style of Yoga for...