Escapism is Not Spirituality

Is it possible to live without war? We can’t really live without fighting. What do you do when you eat? Are you not at war with your food? You chew everything and then when it goes down in your digestive system and gets churned up and digested there is another kind of...

This Is What We Call Integral Yoga

In order to be attuned to the Cosmic Consciousness, you have to be tuned in. If you haven’t tuned yourself in, then nothing will come. And if you tune to a wrong station, horrible things will come. But when you are tuned well, when you are at ease, everything comes to...

 Helping, Fixing, or Serving

Karma Yoga, the path of selfless service, is a main branch of the classical Integral Yoga system. Integral Yoga founder, Swami Satchidananda, considered the spirit of Karma Yoga as foundational to the practice of Yoga. In this article, Rachel Naomi Remen, MD, captures...

A Magical Mystery Experience: An Editor Looks Back

Rev. Kumari de Sachy, Ed.D., served as editor of Integral Yoga Magazine for over a decade, beginning in 1991. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the launch of Integral Yoga Magazine (December 1969), we asked her to talk about how she became the editor and for...

Teaching of the Month: Sharing Abundance

In the northern hemisphere, autumn is a season known for harvesting all that one has grown and for giving thanks for the abundance of the earth. Celebrating the fruits of our labors with gratitude is a beautiful practice. But as spiritual aspirants, we want to take a...