Interfaith Complex To Be Built in Abu Dhabi

It was always the dream and vision of Integral Yoga founder Sri Swami Satchidananda, that interfaith understanding would become a major pathway toward world peace and harmony. He created the Light Of Truth Universal Shrine to demonstrate the principles of interfaith...

Light Of Truth Universal Shrine M & R Task Force

The LOTUS has been under repair due to ongoing leakage issues. The Italian glass tiles that originally adorned the exterior petals had to be removed years ago due to adverse effects from the the freeze/thaw winter conditions that caused leaking. The original...

LOTUS to Go Solar!

By the end of 2018, the Light Of Truth Universal Shrine (LOTUS) will be powered by the sun. Phase II of Yogaville’s changeover to solar is now focused on the LOTUS and the fountains in front of it, thanks to a generous donation that covered half the cost....