Oprah Winfrey hosted Dr. Dean Ornish, and his wife, Anne Ornish, on the TV show "Super Soul Sunday" to discuss UnDo It!, their bestselling book. Dr. Ornish, is a longtime student of Swami Satchidananda, and collaborated with Sri Swamiji in designing the groundbreaking...
The Role Yoga Plays in Integrative and Holistic Health
Yoga is so much more than physical exercise. It’s a lifestyle discipline that embraces and strengthens the connection between the mind, body, and spirit. The science of Yoga originated in ancient India with the intention of connecting emotional tranquility, mental...
Ojas: the Ayurvedic Energy Booster You (probably) Didn’t Know About
In Ayurveda there is much talk about ojas. But what exactly is ojas? Is it some magical, sparkling, golden elixir like I first imagined it to be? According to Ayurvedic guru David Frawley, “Ojas is not a physical substance, but the sap of our life energy that exists...
Elevating Your Vibration: Pranayama & Other Practices to Support the Immune System
In this Integral Yoga podcast, Avi Gordon (Integral Yoga Teachers Association director) speaks with Margabandhu Martarano, Integral Yoga's longest serving center (Integral Yoga Institute of New Jersey) director. In addition to teaching Yoga, Margabandhu is a Certified...
The Clinic Where Love and Medicine Go Hand in Hand
In November 1977, Prevention magazine published the first of two articles about Integral Health Services—a groundbreaking integrative medicine clinic in Connecticut. Possibly the first health center of its kind in North America (and even the world), it was based on...
The Real Doctor Is Within
For a long time, Yoga was thought of as something mysterious, something fit for the so-called recluses, escapists and cave dwellers. It took a long time for the public to realize that Yoga is something that can be practiced by anybody who wants to live an easeful,...
Illness vs. Wellness
“The spiritual teacher Swami Satchidananda was once asked, ‘What’s the difference between illness and wellness?’ He walked over to a blackboard [during Grand Rounds at the University of Virginia Medical Center] and wrote illness and circled the first letter, i. He...