The Ego is Like a Powerful Elephant

A dialogue between Sri Ramana Maharshi and a disciple, as recounted in Maharshi’s Gospel: The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi, 1939. Devotee: How is the Guru found? Maharshi: God, who is immanent manifests, through Grace, according to the devotee’s development....

Remembrances of My Guru on His 108th Birth Anniversary

For thirty-two years, I had the great good fortune to sit at the feet of Sri Swami Satchidananda (Gurudev). There were happy times and sad times, countless comings and goings, many ups and downs, but through it all, he remained the same: peaceful, patient, balanced,...

“You Are Still Here?” A 9/11 True Story

The tender care and concern Sri Swami Satchidananda showed his devotees was never more evident than in this sharing from Michelle Ambika Berthias of France, which was related to the tragic events of September 11, 2001. What is also very evident is that the protection...

The Spiritual Alchemy of the Guru

Those who have been blessed to call themselves disciples and devotees of His Holiness Sri Gurudev Swami Satchidanandaji know the special grace of having a Satguru. Not only a Satguru, Sri Gurudev is a Tamil Siddhar (Siddha in other regions; realized saint) and what is...

Guidance from a Higher Level

Mahasamadhi (a realized saint’s conscious final exit from the physical body) and thus prepared his disciples brilliantly well in advance. He left the physical body in August 2002 in South India. Here are some of his words in relation to Mahasamadhi—his own and other...