The Journey to Your True Calling

Stephen Cope changed my life. He might change yours, too. Need inspiration today? You got it. Put away your yellow highlighter when you read a Stephen Cope book. You’ll find yourself marking almost every sentence. The whole book will be yellow. Fifteen years ago, I...

Creating a Culture of Nonviolence

Sample from the Winter 2006 issue of Integral Yoga Magazine An Interview with Arun Gandhi Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said of Mahatma Gandhi: “Gandhi was inevitable. If humanity is to progress, Gandhi is inescapable. He lived, thought and acted, inspired by the vision...

The Real Doctor Is Within

For a long time, Yoga was thought of as something mysterious, something fit for the so-called recluses, escapists and cave dwellers. It took a long time for the public to realize that Yoga is something that can be practiced by anybody who wants to live an easeful,...