The Essence of Integral Yoga

The Essence of Integral Yoga

Traditionally there are five separate Yogas. Each, like a spoke of a wheel, leads to the hub, to oneness or union with the Divine. Hatha, the way of the body; Raja, the way of the mind; Karma, the way of service; and Bhakti, the way of the heart.  “Some people think...

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Bhakti Yoga: The Path of Love & Devotion

Bhakti Yoga: The Path of Love & Devotion

The word “bhakti” means devotion. Bhaktas are devotees whose goal is to attach themselves completely to God, or the Beloved. Our entire nature is based on such love. We are attached to so many things. From early childhood, we learn to cling to someone or...

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Attuning to Grace

Attuning to Grace

I once visited a home where there was a young baby. I was talking to the family and the mother was busy somewhere in the kitchen. The baby was playing with its toys. After a while, the baby cried a little and started putting things in its mouth, thinking that by...

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The Yoga of Divine Emotions

Sample from the Winter 2008 issue of Integral Yoga Magazine An Interview with David L. Haberman, Ph.D. Dr. David Haberman is an expert in Indic studies, and he credits Sri Gurudev as being one of the inspirations for his fascination with India. Even though Dr....

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The Yoga of Abandonment to the Divine

The Yoga of Abandonment to the Divine

God wants proof that you are totally surrendering yourself. Tests will come. If you fail the tests, then your surrender is not complete. If your surrender is complete, no matter what test comes, you will pass it. Once you pass the tests, you don't have to worry about...

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Bhakti Yoga: Sincerity in Seeking

Bhakti Yoga: Sincerity in Seeking

The sincerity in seeking comes only when you know that you have a limited capacity. It's only when you say, “I can't do it anymore, please help me,” that the help comes. You then link yourself with an unlimited capacity. Sometimes God acts like a hard-hearted person....

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This is Bhakti

This is Bhakti

The great sage of the Himalayas and founder of the Divine Life Society of Rishikesh, Sri Swami Sivananda, gives a beautiful overview of all aspects of Bhakti Yoga. The term Bhakti comes from the root Bhaj, which means “to be attached to God.” Bhajan, worship, Bhakti,...

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