Near Enemies of the Truth: Pitfalls on the Path

Have you ever been told, “You create your own reality?” Have you been encouraged to “follow your bliss?” Nowadays these slogans are everywhere, but what if they’re doing more harm than good? In his latest book, Near Enemies of the Truth: Avoid the Pitfalls of the...

Be As You Are: It Could Not Be Otherwise

Here is my radical proposition: All attempts at growth motivated by disguised self-hatred ultimately fail, and often cause harm. Being “good enough” is only a thought, a mental construct. Nobody can be “good enough,” because that’s just a thought. If we imagine some...

Becoming the Whole

When you are caught in feelings, thoughts, frustration and trying to figure out what to do, thoughts may arise like: What can I do? How can I be more spiritual? How can I be more surrendered? This is the mind just doing what it does—angling for advantage. The key here...