Jonathan & Andi Goldman, leading experts in the field of sound healing share a conversation with us exploring the use of sound in personal, interpersonal and planetary healing. Integral Yoga Magazine: You have been working in the field of sound healing for 40...
Kirtan and the World’s Sacred Chant Traditions
If we look into creation narratives from different cultures, in almost every case the world is said to come into being through sound, through chant. Kirtan is the essence of Yoga, for by chanting the holy names, we experience a linking, a union, with the Divine. In...
Nada Yoga
Yogi Hari is a master of Hatha, Raja and Nada Yoga. He is well known and respected around the world as an exceptional and inspiring teacher. Yogi Hari comes from the Sivananda lineage. When he met his gurus, Swami Vishnu-Devananda and music master Swami...
Chanting from the Soul: An Interview with Krishna Das, Part 2
Profiled by Time magazine and nominated for a Grammy, Krishna Das is regarded as America’s leading “chantmaster.” Each year Krishna Das gives a workshop in Yogaville and he graciously agreed to be interviewed. Krishna Das talks about his Guru, his path, and falling in...
Questions & Answers with Swami Satchidananda: Kirtan and Bhakti Yoga
Question: Can you please talk a little bit about chanting, the path of Bhakti Yoga, and developing oneness with God. Swami Satchidananda: Bhakti means heart. That’s what God wants. Being in the head alone is egoistic; the head is a hard nut to crack. Chanting...
Chanting from the Soul: An Interview with Krishna Das, Part 1
Profiled by Time magazine and nominated for a Grammy, Krishna Das is regarded as America’s leading “chantmaster.” Each year Krishna Das gives a workshop in Yogaville and he graciously agreed to be interviewed. Krishna Das talks about his Guru, his path, and falling in...
Music of the Soul: Chanting for Healing, Devotion, Evolution
Sample from the Spring 2005 issue of Integral Yoga Magazine An Interview with Wah! by Laura Sevika Douglass Wah! has been immersed in the healing tradition of music since her teens. Her travels throughout the US, India and Africa have lead to a weaving of devotion in...
Kirtan and the Inner Muse
Sample from the Winter 2009 issue of Integral Yoga Magazine An Interview with Jeff Davis As a professional writer and Yoga teacher, Jeff Davis has taken The Journey from the Center to the Page, the book he wrote that explores paying attention to the soul of the...
The Vibrational Science of Mantra
Sample from the Winter 2009 issue of Integral Yoga Magazine An Interview with Jonathan Goldman An internationally acknowledged master teacher, Jonathan Goldman has studied with masters of sound from both the scientific and spiritual traditions, including the Dalai...
Chanting the Yoga Sutras
An Interview with M.A. Jayashree, PhD To hear Dr. Jayashree chant the Yoga Sutras in Sanskrit is to be transported to the time when this great text was transmitted in the oral tradition. Her melodious voice, flawless pronunciation and classical articulation of the...
The Yoga of Kirtan
Steven J. Rosen’s book, The Yoga of Kirtan, offers interviews with 21 musicians—including Krishna Das, Jai Uttal, Deva Premal, Snatam Kaur, David Newman, Ragani—leading the kirtan revolution. The book focuses not only on kirtan but on the lives of those being...
The Sonic Technology of Yoga
Largely unknown in the West, yet developing alongside Hatha Yoga, Nada Yoga is a 2000-year-old spiritual system. The Yoga of Sound, Russill Paul’s comprehensive book on the subject of Nada Yoga, makes this ancient and mystical science accessible to all. In this...
Artist Spotlight: Karnamrita Dasi
“Enchanting”, “haunting”, “utterly sublime”—just a few words that do not even begin to describe "Dasi," the first album by Karnamrita Dasi. Karnamrita has been chanting since early childhood. She has the voice of a gandharva (angel) and her songs of women saints are...
Jai Uttal: Singing to the Inner Vastness of the Heart
Jai Uttal’s eclectic East meets West sound has put his music at the forefront of the world fusion movement. Jai’s musical roots embrace a rich variety of cultures and traditions that span the globe and the centuries. From the hillbilly music of the Appalachian...