A Dialogue with Ram Dass and Eckhart Tolle

Ram Dass and Eckhart Tolle are two remarkable teachers who had never shared a stage prior to this 2011 conversation in Maui, Hawaii. These two luminaries engaged in an open conversation about spiritual awakening and the transformation of consciousness. The program was...

Be Love Now

On a beautiful and sunny late morning in Hawaii and a sunny (though perhaps less balmy) late afternoon in Virginia, Integral Yoga Magazine editor Rev. Prem Anjali had the opportunity to interview Ram Dass via Skype. Ram Dass’ latest book, Be Love Now, is the third in...

Becoming Nobody: A New Documentary about Ram Dass

A new documentary about the legendary spiritual teacher Ram Dass is opening at the Rubin Museum (New York), the Laemmle Royal (Los Angeles), and theaters in the Bay Area, on September 6, 2019. A national release will follow. Becoming Nobody represents the core arc of...