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Golden Jubilee: Swami Yogananda’s 50th Sannyas Anniversary
During Guru Poornima in 2021, we specially honor Swami Yogananda Sarasvati, who was initiated into the Holy Order of Sannyasa fifty years ago in 1971 by his Guru, Sri Swami Satchidananda in Kandy, Sri Lanka. He was the first westerner to be initiated by Swami...
A Surgical Mission A Doctor Won’t Forget
My relationship with Swami Satchidananda began with meeting Dr. Sandra (Amrita) McLanahan, at a conference in Tarrytown, New York where she was one of the speakers. She was a student of the Swami, and she was young, energetic, and spoke of Yoga, spirituality, and...
Attuning to the Guru Within
Recently, someone was asking me about the connection to the Guru. Words are limited. Whatever “under-standing” I have on this matter comes from the experience of “standing-under” God’s Presence through Sri Gurudev Satchidananda’s loving guidance. Today I am far from...
The Darshan Line
When I was in my 20s, I used to go to the New York Integral Yoga Institute on 13th Street and buy books and tapes and great things. And then I took a shiatsu class there with a great bunch of spiritual people for 20 weeks and we were all different, but we all got...
Integral Yoga Institute of San Francisco’s Historic Building
As the Integral Yoga Institute of San Francisco approaches its 51st anniversary on Dolores Street, Swami Ramananda gave the following update on the renovation of their iconic and historic building. Namaste and greetings of peace. I wanted to share with you that...
Little Big Man: A Yogaville Adventure
Miles Eberle (son of the Yogaville and Integral Yoga Magazine webmaster, Sam, and wife Lilavati) was captured on his daily rounds in Yogaville, where he was born and lived until a few years ago, when he and his family moved to Colorado to be with the rest of the...
The Daily Life of Temple Carvers
Ever wonder how Indian temples are built? This documentary-style video gives an overview of daily life in the building of a temple. The Kauai Aadheenam is a temple under construction in India. Artisans from India are responsible for the authenticity of the temple...
A Swami’s Ode to Joy
Swami Hamsananda shares this "Ode to Joy." Joy, humor and childlike wonder characterize one of Integral Yoga's most senior and beloved swamis! Ode to This Glorious Day! I am filled with so much happiness right now that I am writing this to pass it on. I love to pieces...
Ego’s True Purpose
Swami Ramananda, Integral Yoga's resident swami poet shares this inspiring poem on the ego's true purpose. dear little ego are you not tired of this treasure hunt, no gold at the end of the rainbow and no end your story is a dark cloud it blocks the light but has no...