Meditation Teacher Training with Swami Karunananda, E-RYT 500 and Integral Yoga Senior Staff will be held July 22 – August 4, 2024 at Satchidananda Ashram Yogaville. Our whole life experience is based on the condition of the mind, how we perceive and respond to situations. Meditation enables us to understand and gain mastery over the mind, helping us to improve the way we experience our lives.
Practical and profound—these words describe meditation best. Practical as it strengthens the mind, allowing it to be clearer and calmer. Profound because this leads to greater harmony in our relationships, efficiency in our work, and emotional balance as we move through daily life. Because of the mind-body connection, our physical health improves greatly as well. There is real personal transformation that is available to all of us through meditation.
Ultimately, meditation enables us to transcend the mind and realize our true nature, which is a state of supreme peace and joy, free of all sorrow, fear, suffering, and delusion. Swami Satchidananda would say: “Meditation is the most important practice. Most of our problems in life would be solved if we meditate regularly.”
The Integral Yoga Meditation Teacher Training will show you how to deepen your own meditation practice and guide others in establishing a practice of their own. This teacher training is for Yoga teachers and healthcare professionals.
The curriculum includes:
- Meditation theory
- Principal meditation techniques, including: mantra, witnessing, Self-inquiry, visualization, and prayer
- The role of asana (posture) and pranayama (yogic breathing) in meditation
- Obstacles to meditation practice and how to overcome them
- Methods for integrating meditation into daily life
- Instruction in leading guided meditations
More information and registration here.