Many people are concerned about the violence in our society and about the threat that violence poses to the very existence of our planet. Ahimsa is a Sanskrit word that means non-violence. Following ahimsa doesn’t simply mean not killing. We cannot live without...
Conversion of the Carnivore: Becoming a Vegetarian (or Vegan) is More Than Just a Food Choice
One the most furious debates we can witness on social media is between the vegetarians and vegans versus the meat-eaters. Of all the issues facing the world currently, this conversation can drive such strife on both sides. Recently, I read a post from a friend on...
A Yogic or Sattvic Diet
To fully understand Swami Satchidananda’s teachings on the relationship between Yoga and diet, specifically, the psychological and spiritual benefits of a vegetarian/vegan diet, it’s important to know something about the three gunas, or the qualities of nature. The...
The Yoga Way: Food for Body, Mind & Spirit
Recently, Integral Yoga teacher Carole Kalyani Baral was interviewed on Unity Online Radio's "Main Street Vegan" program by its host Victoria Moran. In this excerpt from the show, Kalyani talks about her Integral Yoga journey, becoming a vegetarian (and, later,...
Vegetarianism & Ahimsa
Diet plays a very important part in people’s lives. Food not only makes the body, it makes the mind. It has a direct connection to the attitudes of the mind. Today we do not think much about the different qualities of food and its effect on the mind. In Yogic...
Why Eating Is Not About Morality: Calling on Yoga to Embrace Your Innate Goodness
To eat it or not to eat it? How many times a day do you bump up against this question (or one like it) in your mind as you navigate what, how, and when to eat? You are not alone if you experience moments of confusion or turmoil about nutrition, for we find ourselves...
The Inner Art of Vegetarianism
In this article, author and activist Carol Adams explores the balance between the inner life of spiritual growth and the outer life of practical compassion. She shows reasons why becoming a complete vegetarian (i.e., no eggs or dairy), or vegan is deeply wedded to...
Vegetarianism & the Vedas
Once I was asked a question: “Do the Vedas teach vegetarianism?” The answer is, there is no Veda without the mention of ahimsa. “Ahimsa paramo dharmaha” means that the greatest dharma one can embrace is ahimsa. Saint Ramalinga Swamigal always said, “If you want the...
Enlightened Eating
The ancient yogis noted that the universe goes through cycles of potentiality and manifestation, similar to the speculations of modern-day physicists about an oscillating universe. During the process of creation, out of primordial matter known as undifferentiated...
Vegetarianism and the Yoga Sutras
In the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali lays out an eight-limbed plan for liberation called Raja Yoga. The first limb is called yama, which means restraint and includes five ethical restrictions: ahimsa (non-harming), satya (truthfulness), asteya (nonstealing), brahmacharya...
The Humble Vegetarian
In this article, Integral Yoga teacher April Gauri Hunziker (pictured here) explores the issue of how a yogi and vegetarian remains humble and avoids self-righteousness while remaining faithful to his or her principles. She poses some hard questions we may want to ask...
Questions and Answers with Swami Satchidananda: Yoga and Diet
In this article, Swami Satchidananda answers questions about Yoga and vegetarian diet. Q: Is it hypocritical to be a vegetarian for spiritual reasons and also to cook for others who insist on eating meat? A: Just because you have become a vegetarian, it doesn’t mean...
Food & Subtle Energy
Sage Uddalaka instructed his son Svetaketu: “Food when consumed, becomes threefold. The gross particles become the excrement, the middling ones flesh, and the fine ones the mind.” My child, when curd is churned, its fine particles which rise upwards form butter. Thus,...
Yogic Meal Prayer
In almost every culture there are different ways to say prayers before consuming food. Most of these prayers offer an opportunity to express the gratitude we feel to have the food we are about to eat. They sometimes give us pause to also reflect upon those who are...
Diet for Transcendence
In preparation for writing his book, Diet for Transcendence, Steven Rosen surveyed the world’s religions with the intention of proving that at their foundation—and as reflected in their scriptures—these faiths encouraged vegetarianism, nonviolence, love and compassion...
Ahimsa: The First Step in Yogic Diet
“Who will be the happiest? The one who brings happiness to others.” –Swami Satchidananda How we behave toward others and our environment reveals—more than anything else—our inner state of mind and the current condition of our personalities. When we are self-confident...