The Yoga M.D.

The Yoga M.D.

Dr. Sandra Amrita McLanahan is a holistic and Yoga medical doctor with a family practice in Yogaville. She is a pioneer in the field of integrative and lifestyle medicine, having founded America’s first holistic health center in Connecticut in 1976. Personal physician...

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The Essence of Yoga Therapy

The Essence of Yoga Therapy

In this article, Swami Satchidananda, founder of Integral Yoga, and a trained naturopath himself, discusses the essential elements that comprise classical Yoga therapy. When I came to this country in 1966, I met Dr. Ramamurti Mishra (who became Swami Brahmananda), the...

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A Living Laboratory for Yoga Research

A Living Laboratory for Yoga Research

Dr. Jeffery Dusek, Kripalu’s Chief Research Officer, Leads New Studies on the Power of Mind/Body Practices Jeffery Dusek was in high school when he had his first experience of how the breath can powerfully impact the body and the mind. “Growing up, I was a hockey...

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The Front Line of Yoga Therapy and Research

The Front Line of Yoga Therapy and Research

John Kepner, M.A., M.B.A., executive director of the International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT), has been at the forefront of developing publications, conferences, standards, and a professional identity for the field of Yoga therapy for more than a decade. In...

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Yoga for Diabetes

Yoga for Diabetes

In her book, Yoga for Diabetes: How to Manage Your Health with Yoga and Ayurveda, Yoga teacher Rachel Zinman presents a highly motivational and personalized guide that will enable readers to incorporate Yoga into their daily diabetes management plan. Rachel was...

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Yoga Therapy: A Holistic Approach

Yoga Therapy: A Holistic Approach

What yogis realized thousands of years ago—and what the western medical community and researchers are now catching on to—is that practicing Yoga can make a critical difference in one’s health and wellbeing. In this interview, Timothy McCall, MD, a leader in the Yoga...

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Integral Yoga as Therapy

Integral Yoga as Therapy

In this article, Integral Yoga master teacher, Swami Vidyananda explains that Yoga practice can help us win many battles with illness and suffering. And while Hatha Yoga and pranayama are powerful therapeutic tools, on the level of the body, we will all ultimately...

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New Currents: Participatory Medicine

New Currents: Participatory Medicine

Jon Kabat-Zinn developed Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, a trailblazing behavioral medicine program. Thanks in large part to this pioneering program, mindfulness has now become a recognized element of integrative medicine and general health promotion. In this...

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Yoga Therapy Research: Why Do We Need It?

Yoga Therapy Research: Why Do We Need It?

Sat Bir Khalsa, PhD, is one of the leaders in Yoga therapy research. He was drawn to approaching Yoga as a physiological practice because he believed that providing the science behind the practice would help Yoga to penetrate the mainstream. In this interview he talks...

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The Spirit of Yoga Therapy

The Spirit of Yoga Therapy

Integrative Yoga Therapy (IYT) founder Joseph Le Page is a pioneer and leader in training Yoga professionals who can bring the ancient insights of Yoga into mainstream wellness programs. His work is based on a vision of health as a unity of body, mind, and spirit. In...

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